Chicago Road Defects Attorneys

While most vehicle accidents are caused by driver errors, roadway defects also pose a great threat to motorists. Various parties are responsible for the construction and maintenance of roadways, including government entities and some private companies. When these parties allow roads to be improperly designed, poorly constructed, or inadequately maintained, the lives of drivers and passengers are put at risk.

When a motorist experiences a serious accident as a result of a roadway defect, the party responsible for failing to maintain or properly build the road should be held accountable. Seeking out legal support from an experienced Chicago road defect attorney can make all the difference in your ability to recover from the emotional and physical distress you may be experiencing. Accident victims may be able to pursue financial compensation for their losses from the responsible party. Attorneys at Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC, understand the serious effects a car accident can have on a person’s relationships, finances, and emotional well-being, and are prepared to investigate your incident and work to hold the responsible party liable.

Types of Road Defects

There are many different roadway defects that present dangerous conditions and may cause a vehicle accident. Unfortunately, government entities and companies are often not aware of existing road defects until an accident occurs. Motorists can be injured in collisions related to improper design or maintenance issues, including:

  • Shoulder drop-offs
  • Potholes
  • Improper signage
  • Uneven roads
  • Poorly marked division lines
  • Lack of guardrails
  • Excessive oil/gravel
  • Poor sightlines
  • Blind corners

No matter the seriousness of an accident, victims are usually left with some form of a financial burden stemming from medical bills, property loss, or lost wages. Fortunately, if your attorney is able to determine that the accident was caused by a road defect, victims are often able to pursue financial compensation to offset their financial burden. Nobody should be forced to bear the burden of a car accident caused by a roadway defect on their own. If you believe a road defect was responsible for your car accident, you should contact an attorney as soon as you are able.

Speak with a Chicago Road Defects Attorney

At Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC, we fight tirelessly to protect the rights of those injured by another party’s negligence. Our legal team has experience pursuing and winning financial compensation for those who have experienced devastating accidents. To speak with a Chicago attorney about the details of your road defect accident, call our office today at 312-346-8620.

Written by Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC Last Updated : December 18, 2017