How To Ensure Your Relative Is Receiving the Best Care in a Nursing Home

How To Ensure Your Relative Is Receiving The Best Care In A Nursing HomeMoving your loved one into a nursing home can be scary and stressful. You know it’ll be good for them to get round-the-clock care, but you worry about their well-being and safety. Although nurses and other staff members have the training and education to provide treatment and assistance to residents, your family member needs you, too. Your role in their life is as important as those caring for them daily. Below are tips for ensuring your loved one receives the best care they need while living in a nursing home.

Do Your Research and Pay Attention

You must thoroughly research nursing facilities before choosing one for your relative. That requires speaking with staff, touring the property, and asking for recommendations from trusted sources. When you take a tour, pay attention to the conditions at the facility. Consider other options if it appears dirty, unorganized, or run down.

Also, focus on how the staff treats the residents. You want professionalism, respect, and compassion for your loved one. Seeing positive interactions between nurses and patients can indicate the quality of care your family member can expect to receive.

Be Aware of Warning Signs

You’re your relative’s biggest advocate. You must watch for red flags that might indicate a problem. Abuse and neglect are common in nursing homes. According to the World Health Organization, one in six adults 60 and older experience some type of abuse in a community setting. Knowing the signs is essential to keep your loved one safe.

Check in with your family member regularly. Ask about their daily routine. It might be a sign of abuse if they seem afraid to talk. You should investigate mood or personality changes, sudden emotional or social withdrawal, and visible injuries. Being proactive can get them the treatment and best care they need and protect them from further mistreatment in the nursing home.

Maintain Communication

Older adults often feel lonely and cut off from the rest of the world after moving into a nursing home. You must keep in touch with them regularly. If you live near the facility, schedule weekly or monthly visits. Spend time catching up, going for walks, or doing their favorite activities with them.

If you live far away or in-person visits aren’t possible, text or talk on the phone. Exchange emails or letters if it’s your loved one’s preferred communication method. You can also see them without physically being with them by setting up a Zoom, FaceTime, or another form of video call.

Set Up Security Cameras

Set Up Security Cameras In A Nursing HomeMonitoring nursing home staff might seem like an invasion of privacy, but your loved one’s safety depends on it. You can set up a camera in their bedroom to check in and see how employees treat them. However, you must check state law and be sure your video surveillance meets the legal requirements before and during installation.

You must get your family member’s consent before setting up a camera in their room. It might help determine whether abuse or neglect occurs. Knowing there’s a camera watching over your loved one when you can’t be there can provide you with peace of mind.

Know Where to Turn for Help

If your loved one exhibits signs of abuse or neglect or you discover suspicious behavior from a facility employee, going through the proper channels to address and resolve the situation is crucial. You must notify the authorities to initiate an investigation. You can contact the police or Adult Protective Services.

However, don’t talk to anyone in the nursing home if you plan to seek legal action. Informing them of a potential insurance claim or lawsuit gives them time to prepare and create an adequate defense. You should move your loved one to a safe location, hire a lawyer, and quietly gather the evidence you need to prove what happened.

Contact Us

Moving your loved one into a nursing home is an emotional and difficult decision, especially when it comes to wondering if they’ll receive the best care. However, it might be what they need to live a higher quality of life. You can ensure the staff meets the required standard of care by remaining an active presence in your family member’s life. Visit them regularly, ask how they’re doing, and take immediate action at the first sign of misconduct.

Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC has fought for the injured for over 50 years. We dedicate our time and resources to every case we take. You will be our top priority when you hire us and receive ongoing support and guidance. You can count on our legal team to aggressively seek justice and compensation for your relative.

If your loved one was the victim of abuse or neglect, call us at 312-346-8620 or contact us online for a confidential consultation with an experienced Chicago nursing home abuse attorney.

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Written by Karlin, Fleisher & Falkenberg, LLC Last Updated : February 16, 2024